Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sixth Graders Write Memoirs

"I looked around and ran to the garage as my feet thumped against the hard wood floor." (Tyler W.)

"'I'd hate to be in that position,' I thought as I watched the poor guy in the kayak paddle fiercely from the swallowing, giant, jagged rocks." (Brad)

"I was going to the doctor. I couldn't remember how or why, but I knew it was important." (Isaiah)

"The kid beside me flung his arm around,and my mask fell. Then his arm flung the other way and knocked out my regulator. I started to panic. I couldn't breathe." (Maria)

"Someone was pounding on me. It was 7:00 AM on a Saturday at the lake. No one should have been up yet. Was it my dog, Princess, getting angry I hadn't walked her, so she was walking on me? Was it my dad, waking me to go? We weren't supposed to leave until Wednesday. Who was it? (Rachel)

"I rushed through the hotel as my mom screamed, 'It's in the water! Quick boys, come here. You have to see this.'" (Tom)

Whether using an action lead, a dialogue lead, a reflective lead, or a combination of the three, sixth-grade students found a variety of ways to begin their memoirs, which they finished recently. Come read your classmates' memoirs and learn about their memory stories--the wonderful tales that complete these leads.


Darius6 said...
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Darius6 said...

I thought the editorial was hard work but fun, too.