Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hallowe'en Brings out the Best in Us

Sixth-graders dressed up in costume on Hallowe'en and travelled to class in style.


Darius6 said...

I loved that day. I loved that we got to dress up in costumes the whole day. I loved seeing the other costumes that other people were wearing. Some of the cosumes were funny, some, were cool, some tryed to look scary, but all the costumes were great. My costume was kind of itchy because I dressed up as a mouse trap. It got really hot in my costume too. Some of the teachers costums were great too. I liked watching the lower school costum/Halloween parade. I saw a lot of the lower school dressed up in tons Darth Vader costumes, a couple of Power Rangers costumes, and a lot of Dog costumes. I like the lower school parades because I enjoy seeing all of the different varieties of costumes the lower schoolers and the faculty wear and pick out. For the parade, all of the teachers from one grade wear kind of the same things. Well, to wrap it up, I loved wearing the costumes for aa whole day, looking at everybodys costumes, and watching the parade.


Unknown said...

I had alot of fun during halloween.
PS. I do not look like a hippe. I am not going to grow up and be a hippe.

M. Sutton said...

I don't think that you'll be a hippie when you grow up, but whatever you choose to be, I hope you'll come back and visit school. Perhaps you'll keep in touch via writing! Mrs. S.

M. Sutton said...

I loved seeing the sixth graders all dressed up and was glad so many of them came in costume. What a fun day. Mrs. S.